
How to Online Law School

Happy Thursday! Happy week 4 (for me, at least) of quarantine and happy almost Easter or Passover!

I can’t believe that it’s already been almost a month of staying at home and the third week of attending my law school classes online. The plus side is time is flying and hopefully sooner rather than later we can put this pandemic behind us. The downside is having to learn to navigate law school virtually when we just got our regular routine down.

While I was able to go back home to Miami to live with my parents during this time I know not everyone had that luxury for various reasons but it doesn’t mean that the transition has been easy for me either, so after feeling like I have a decent handle on the Zoom law school thing I thought I’d share some tips that have made the whole process a little easier.

Have a routine.

This is so important. Having a routine keeps the semblance of normalcy and helps keep me sane. I follow this routine everyday and did at school in Knoxville too. It allows me to have balance and gives me a good start to the day.

Set your alarm, have breakfast or a workout sesh, shower and do your morning skincare routine and pull on a fresh pair of leggings. This is key. Get ready. Doesn’t have to be makeup and hair done but getting out of PJs allows you to reset your mind and clear up the sleep fog.

I don’t always workout first thing in the morning but I try to, lets be honest I don’t always wake up at my first alarm but I really try my best to wakeup 1 – 1 1/2 hours before my first class.

If I do get in a workout then I shower and do my skincare. If I can’t manage a shower and getting ready before I have to make food before class I at the very least I have a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

If I have the time to shower and make breakfast I’ll eat an oatmeal bowl or sip on a smoothie before or during my first class.

If I don’t get to workout before my first class I try to do it after or if not I go for a walk at the end of the day to still get some fresh air and exercise.

Have a set study space.

Another key! I have a designated area in my parents house where I have all my school stuff set up, the dining room. On the weekends I clear the area but during the week I do all my reading, zoom classes and any assignments in the dining room. That way when I need a break I can hang out in my room, the living room or backyard. Having a clear designated study space gives me some separation from life and school and helps me carve out relaxation and fun time.

Take breaks.

In between classes, readings for each class or an hour of working on an assignment. I get a snack, watch an episode of whatever is on HGTV, lunch with my parents, workout, surf IG, anything really. I always take breaks and make sure I get up from the dining room table to give myself a breather from law school.

Finish my school day at a certain time.

By 7, max 8 pm I am done working for the day. Typically I follow my mom when she signs off work, or just when I am so beat from all the work for the day but once I completely turn off school for the day, I clean up the dining room table a little and don’t touch my books and usually my computer again.

I handwrite my class notes.

I don’t do this during the regular school year, I usually type up lecture notes on my computer using Evernote, but keeping up with Zoom class and the chat room in Zoom plus having a screen open for typing notes was hectic so I decided to have notebook paper to write any notes on and it has helped so much! And now all my notes are labeled by date and subject to organize them in one place. Plus I have a little more retention of information by handwriting.

So with that lets talk supplies!

Reinforced loose leaf college ruled paper

Several pens. The amount of ink I have gone through in the last month is RIDICULOUS.



Blue light glasses!!!! So helpful to prevent your eyesight from getting worse from all the screen time and prevents headaches! I have my prescription on these since they’re my reading glasses but you can get them without prescription from so many retailers! Highly highly recommend!

And some extras that are helpful, a laptop stand and book stand to not strain your neck as you read or watch lectures!

We have less than a month left of the semester so lets end the year strong, we got this!

Hope these tips help, and I hope you guys have a good Easter/Passover!

Thanks for reading!

xo Kayla

(2) Comments

  1. […] Zoom law school is weird and has its own challenges like affecting our education by making the foundation of law school extremely hard to learn and completely overhauling our grading and exam systems but the biggest plus is getting to still “see” my classmates everyday and hear people other than my family talk, even if they aren’t directly speaking to me. It’s a little reassuring. Also knowing I’m not alone in feeling like I’m being jipped and that I’m not processing information and have no motivation to sit and listen to a professor ramble through my computer screen. Yeah its hard to navigate but I have found some things that have helped me get through it so I wrote a blog post all about it! Check it out here. […]

  2. […] I talked a little about having a routine in my How to Online Law School post a few days ago, check it out here. […]

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