Bar Exam, Travel Diaries

I’m Back! Post Bar Exam + Bar Trip Reflection

Last time I wrote a blog post was my final month of law school. Now I’m in my first month of post bar exam life and about to start my big girl job. It’s so crazy how quickly time flies when you’re living the life you’ve built for yourself.

I spent May-July preparing for and sitting for the Florida Bar Exam and now that its all over I don’t know what to do with myself while I wait for results to come out. I am so grateful that I was able to take a bar trip, for 3 weeks across Europe but now I have another few weeks to wait.

In the meantime I am getting my life in order with all the doctors and dentist appts I’ve been putting off the last few months, getting my car serviced, organizing my room + setting up my office space and of course finally getting to see my friends.

I shared weekly updates during bar prep on my podcast The Let’s Get Candid Podcast, but I would be happy to answer any questions about my bar exam experience and my bar trip. Follow me on IG to send in questions or leave them in the comments of this post!

To say the bar exam was a whirlwind would be the understatement of the century. Law school tries to prepare you for the sleepless nights and long days staring at a computer screen but until you’re actually in bar prep you don’t realize just how much of challenge, both mentally and physically studying for this exam really is. Not to mention the emotional toll it takes on you, from isolation from friends and family, the imposter moments and feeling like you don’t know anything, comparing others’ study habits to your own and personal mental health struggles, I truly couldn’t have gotten through this process without the support of my family, friends and prayer.

I thought college tested me and law school showed me that there was still more growth and work to be done. Boy was I tested even more this summer. But I am so thankful I had the opportunity to go to law school and sit for the bar exam, to be tested this way. It definitely has made me a more empathetic, self aware, grounded person and it taught me so much about myself.

My bar trip with EF Ultimate Break did too. I thought 3 weeks across Italy, France and Spain would be fun in the sun, meeting lots of people, immersing myself in the culture and sightseeing but it was so much more. I made some really great friends that I wouldn’t have gotten through the sleepless nights (the fun kind) without and have become lifers for sure. I was challenged by not so fun travel partners, lack of rest, an Italian heat wave (aka no AC anywhere), dehydration, blisters and more but the memories I made will 100% carry me into this next chapter. I have grown tremendously in the last 9 months alone but even just this summer and I am so grateful that I got to have an experience like this, at this moment in my life especially.

We did so much in just 3 weeks that its hard to share in just one post but I have compiled a guide for you on my Out of Office account here, so if you wanna see where I went you can check it out + save it to your future trip itinerary all in one place! I can totally do an in depth post on each country or city if you want so just lmk!

I will be doing a podcast episode recap too so be sure to subscribe + follow along there too for a candid take on how I’m really doing while I wait for my results.

I can’t wait to bring you all along on the journey of this next chapter! Reconnecting with friends, rediscovering my city + creating the life and career I have dreamed of for myself, its all within reach!

Fingers crossed for a few more weeks,

xo Kayla

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