Knoxville Life

Life Update

Happy Hump Day!

It’s a gloomy, cold fall morning here in Knoxville and it’s kind of fitting with my mood. We officially start Fall Break tomorrow, although as of 12 pm today I’m off until Monday, yet I have a paper due this weekend and it’s time to start outlining for finals.

I definitely plan to take advantage of having a few extra days off but my first priority is my writing assignment for Contracts thats due Sunday. I’m a little sad that so many people I know get to go home or visit their undergrad schools this weekend since they live closer than I do but I still plan to make the most of it.

It’s now fall and the weather has cooled off some so its perfect hiking weather out now and my friends and I who are staying are thinking of making a girls day of it and going for a hike in the Smokies and I hope we get to because it’ll be fun to get out of Knoxville and get some fresh air for the day.

I also plan to get my apartment in order since I haven’t had a chance to do a deep cleaning recently and then take off one day for movies and relaxing at home.

Fall Break means we’re halfway done with our first semester of law school and that’s is a crazy thought. Where did the time go?? I’m ready for a little break but I also know that the minute we come back Monday morning the grind is on. Finals are a month and a half away and we still feel like we don’t know what we don’t know.

I’ve taken two midterm exams and while I didn’t do too great on my first one in Contracts I have another midterm in that class in two weeks. I still don’t know how I did on my Torts exam but as soon as I do know and I get my second Contracts exam back I’ll do a whole post all about midterms and law school exams in general.

Overall, I can’t complain about my law school experience thus far. I have definitely had my ups and downs, had several bad days and cried a whole lot but I have made great friends, built strong relationships with faculty and staff and joined organizations I am passionate about. I am making waves here and not all have been positive but I am growing and learning and changing and that is the most important thing.

It’s hard to stay positive when it feels like life is spinning around you and you have no clue what’s going on, and its even harder when you see your friends still in undergrad or working full time who seem to party all the time and it feels like you don’t get to have fun but it’s all what you make it and there is still plenty of opportunities to have fun and go out even in law school you just have to prioritize.

I know the next few weeks are gonna be tough and long and I’m gonna feel the pressure but I know that as long as I keep my head up and keep pushing through it like I have been doing, I know I’ll be ok.

Stay tuned for more lifestyle and fashion posts to come, I have some exciting things in the works!

Thanks for reading!

xo Kayla

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