Advice and Thoughts

My Goals for 2021 + What I’m Looking Forward to in the New Year

THREE DAYS! That’s it, only three days and it’s officially a new year. 2021. Wow, I really don’t know how to feel about it if I’m being honest. I’m excited but anxious, ready to jump in full force into a new chapter but I know that a lot of 2020 will play a role in how the next year goes, both personally and just the world we live in.

I don’t want to do New Years resolutions at all for 2021 because as my brother said the other day, no one ever sticks to them and if 2020 taught us anything is that life comes at you fast and circumstances change and some goals become arbitrary in the long run.

One thing I will and have already begun making an active effort to work on is eating healthy. I truly have missed and crave my healthy meals over junk and fried foods. Don’t get me wrong I indulge if I have a craving and on weekends I don’t stop myself from brunch or happy hour etc. but I love how much better I feel when I’m being conscious of what I put in my body and I want to be better about it in the new year.

I also know that once I feel better from eating better I’ll have so much more energy and motivation to work out and get in better shape. Everyone loves to say I have an amazing body and don’t need to workout because I already look good and while the flattery is nice, I’m not proud of my body at the current stage because I know that I can do better and I want to do better. I’m not talking dieting and drastic changes here, and I never want that and don’t think that’s attainable or maintainable. What I mean is 30 min circuits daily, integrating Pilates and yoga and walks and weights into my weeks so I can transform my body. I want to work on toning and not being out of breath all the time, inner and core strength and mental strength too, all things that improve with exercise as well as healthy eating habits.

I also want to be more conscious of what I put on my body and skin, including skincare, makeup, products etc as I have learned so much through podcasts and other resources this year about just how harmful some chemicals found in just about anything we use are and I want to be better about being all around more holistic and clean.

Another thing I want to work on is screen time before bed and just getting better sleep. Not necessarily more sleep but making an active effort to get good sleep. I want to go to bed earlier and stay off my phone before bed and right when I wake up and wake up earlier so I can get a better start to my day. Also this helps keep your cortisol, stress hormone, down which helps reduce that super stubborn lower belly area (learn more about this, it’s so fascinating! Check out The Skinny Confidential here and hereand Ingrid De La Mare – Kenny here for more on it!)

I also want to be better about not caring so much about what other people are doing that I’m not apart of or second guessing my words and actions. But I also want to try to be more thoughtful so I don’t second guess so much.

I want to continue to work on my goals both professional and personal by working hard in school and at work to achieve the best grades I can and continue to make and foster the connections that will propel my career. I also want to continue to grow my platforms on here and Instagram and keep connecting with people because it’s so much fun and I learn so much from others on social media!

Personally, I want to work hard in therapy and continue tackling my past to build a better future and shed all the weight I carry around so one day I can be a good partner and companion and in the future, mother.

Would you guys like to see more of what I plan to do? I would love to have people to keep me accountable. I know that with my busy spring schedule and life balance it will be challenging but if I learned another thing this past year is that I do best when I’m being challenged. I grow more and I better myself and I want that for myself in 2021.

I’m really looking forward to putting in the work, becoming a better me, friend , student, influencer, daughter, sister, and all around human. I’m really looking forward to clinic and working at the law firm again and hopefully having a fun and safe spring semester. I’m really looking forward to summer and hopefully a really rewarding internship and possibly a vacation too 🤞🏼I’m really looking forward to a year of new possibilities and opportunities and I truly wish it to be a better year than 2020 for everyone.

2020 has been hard, there’s no denying it or sugarcoating it (not that I would). But it gave me some amazing lessons and tools and opened my eyes to a lot I need and want to work on. I hope that through all the turmoil and pain and challenges, the past year has had a few good moments for you too.

What are you looking forward to in 2021? What are your new year goals and plans? Let me know in the comments, thanks for reading!

xo Kayla

(1) Comment

  1. […] not the vision board type, but like I shared in my previous post, here, I definitely have fitness and wellness goals for myself and for the first time, that I can […]

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