
The Countdown is On For 3L Year

Happy Sunday!! Is anyone else confused how it’s already mid July? I have mixed feelings about it but as we get closer to August my excitement for my final year is growing.

I cannot believe I’m already starting my 3L year of law school! It’s amazing how the individual days feel so long and drag by but when you look back it’s been 2 years and it doesn’t even feel like it. But I’m definitely thankful for how fast it’s gone and how much I’ve grown along the way.

Outfit Details: Zara linen button down and heels, Abercrombie jeans

My 3L year officially begins August 18th so I’ll be driving back up to Knoxville the weekend before and roadtripping with my mom and Abuela to make it fun and show my grandma Knoxville before classes start.

I’ll be sharing my schedule and plans for the school year in a later post but today I wanted to talk about how I get in the mindset for a new school year and the beginning stages of planning to head back. But I just want to pause and say OMG I’m going into my last year of school FOREVER!!!

Ok freak out over, the first thing I do to get myself back into school mode is review my schedule and begin making to do lists of things I need to do/buy/prepare for the year.

My first list is a “To Do When I Get to Knox” and it includes cleaning, closet clean outs, a target trip or two and buying anything I need for my apartment – since I am still missing some furniture, I have a coffee table on my list and curtains. I also want to get a juicer to make fresh juices in the morning. I add these items to my List on Amazon as well so when I’m ready to shop I already have them ready to go!

The next list is a “What I’m Cleaning Out of My Apartment” list so I divided it by area and what I want to donate or toss, aka bathroom, closet, drawers, kitchen, etc.

I also have a list for “School Supplies I Need” and that means highlighters, paper and a binder or two to organize. I have a million pens so don’t need those. I’m not getting a physical planner either because I never opened it and it weighed down my bag, I stick to my phone and laptop, and I want to get into using Google Calendar!

My last list is a comprehensive list of the different student organizations and activities I am a part of and a mini list of each of them.

So for LLSA, I wrote out my plans for the school year and planned a meeting with my Exec board to discuss and get the ball rolling since Hispanic Heritage Month is in September. I have a list of fundraising ideas, outreach to law firms and event plans to go over with our advisor, the board and the school admin when I’m back.

For my independent study I have rough drafted a plan for what I want to research and have gone creating a folder of ideas I see on social media or anywhere that has peaked my interest.

For Barbri I haven’t had much to do this summer but I know it’ll pick up during the fall. For Student Wellness Committee, we had an org meeting this week and I already have some ideas for how I want to be involved so that will get a list too as they happen.

I have also reached out to mentee through a community organization to meet up when I’m back in town and I also made a list of the new stuff in Knox I want to do and see and try!

The next task is to start making plans with my friends for when we’re back since it’ll be a whirlwind I can already tell. We are all so pumped to finally have a full school year in person and get back to tailgate season and nights out on the town.

And my final task in the ramp up to moving back is a packing list! I already got my oil changed in my car this summer and I’ll get a car wash before we start driving so for now it’s just almost time to pack my life back up.

Luckily I’ll be able to come home or take small weekend trips in between so I won’t need to take everything but it’s a lot of stuff 😬

That’s kinda where I’m at! I’m excited to get back and to start making plans and being apart of campus life again. Let’s see how long until school starts kicking my butt lol – stay tuned for my schedule and plans for the year in more detail coming soon!

I’m off to get ready for brunch with a friend now, time to get all the friends and Miami in before I go, thanks for reading!

xo Kayla

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