Advice and Thoughts

What I’m Looking Forward To In 2022

We all say it every year but for the last few months, something has been telling me that 2022 will be my year. There is so much going on this year, so much to accomplish and so many opportunities on the horizon that I can’t help but be optimistic.

2022 marks the year that my academic career comes to an end. I will officially be graduating law school in May and I will be done with school forever! 21 years of school has culminated in this and I cannot wait for the final semester. That’s one of the biggest things I’m looking forward to!

I have always enjoyed school but my love for learning really took a step back the last few years as law school hasn’t been the best time in my life – more on this in an upcoming podcast episode – and I really have been counting down the weeks until the final semester. I cannot wait to graduate and begin the next chapter of my life and of course share it all with you here, on my podcast and on my IG.

But before I can really begin the next chapter, I have to sit for the bar exam and I’ll be doing so in July. Not something I look forward to in and of itself, but just the fact that I am here and preparing for that week is so exciting and baffling to me at times. I truly never thought this day would get here and I really look forward to the day I find out I passed on the first try!

In between sitting for the bar and result day I am so unbelievably excited for my bar trip – essentially a month long trip since we typically cannot work while waiting for our license. I can’t wait to start planning it in between classes and study days, Europe is calling my name!

Once I get my results then I can start building my career and this is truly one of the things I am most looking forward to in 2022. I am so ready to take charge and begin living my life on my own terms. There is so much within this one that I want to do and I can’t wait to share with you as they unfold!

From investing to real estate to buying my first home to a career where I get to practice law in an exciting and ever changing environment in social media and so so much more. There is so much I hope to in my life and to be successful so that I can not only travel and enjoy the finer things that I love but also so I can give back to my community as much as possible! 2022 probably won’t have a lot of time for volunteering but once I establish myself back in Miami, there are a few community organizations I want to get involved or more involved with!

Another thing I really look forward to is more travel. I know that with school and the bar my time for this is limited this year but whenever I get the opportunity to I really want to make the most of it. I love experiencing new places and immersing myself in the culture of wherever I am. And I’m a sucker for a chic hotel or Air Bnb!

I also want to devote more time to my businesses, further solidifying them as business with the legal entities and documentation, which is part of what I want my career to be in too! And I really want to grow my community through my IG, podcast and of course the blog. I have been loving the podcast as a medium more but I want this website to be my landing page and be a place for advice, travel guides and of course to be a friend and mentor to anyone aspiring to go to law school.

I have so many specific goals relating to my platforms and I hope that I can make a strong effort to reach and exceed them as I continue to share my life online, openly, vulnerably and authentically. I am so grateful that taking a chance to start this blog in 2018 has led me to where I am today, with so many friends and opportunities – aka my job and career plans – that I wouldn’t have had I not put myself out there. Personally too, I have grown tremendously and am so much happier and fulfilled getting to connect with all of you!

Speaking of my job, there are multiple aspects to the career I want to build – as having multiple streams of income is very important to me – and continuing and expanding my role at Rella, a social media management tool for influencers by an influencer, is a big part. Follow and subscribe to The Let’s Get Candid Podcast here to learn more about what I do in an upcoming episode!

On a personal note I am really looking forward to moving home to Miami and strengthening my friendships and relationships with people in Miami. I am a social person and I have missed having options of things to do and people to hang out with and I cannot wait to be back in sunny, warm weather and surrounded by opportunities!

These are the high level things I’m looking forward to in 2022 alongside all the micro goals I have in between that will help me accomplish and get to these big moments. Because I have become a lot more goal oriented and a planner so I can achieve what I set out to do, one of my biggest goals is to be more intentional this year.

I wanted to share my intentions for this year with you, and the three words I chose for 2022 that I hope the year embodies and becomes about.

My three words for 2022 are presence, self love and enjoyment. I share more about these words and my intentions in my latest solo episode, you can listen here – but I really just want to overall be more intentional and enjoy the little moments more. I have a hard time slowing down and being present so these two go hand in hand, I want to be more spontaneous and have fun and go with the flow more and I really want to stop and take a break to enjoy the moments I’m in and be grateful for them.

And as I have been on a healing journey the last few years, I want to be more intentional about self love and care and being proud of myself, thanking my body and mind and overall being kinder to myself and others. We are all our harshest critic and something I really need to work on is celebrating myself and speaking kindly to myself. Words of affirmation have always been my love language and I sought it from others for so long but in 2022 I want to be intentional about being there and proud of myself so I don’t seek that external validation anymore. I think this might make a great podcast episode so saving this for a further discussion!

Alongside my healing journey, I have also been on a health journey the last few years, mental, physical and emotional and something I really want to be intentional about in 2022 is being mindful of my body and fueling it, listening to it and caring for it. I want to be better about drinking plenty of water and moving my body everyday, if only for 10 minutes. I have also discovered I love eating healthy so thats something I want to continue to enjoy and explore!

With so many goals and intentions, both personal and professional – in its many forms – I have found that setting a weekly intention practice and having a to do list is really helpful for me and makes my weeks and days more manageable. I got this tip from the Ageless Podcast by Kit Keenan and her mom Cynthia Rowley and I have been really enjoying this.

I don’t live and die by this to do list but its a great tracker for me and a way to get all of my tasks and thoughts out in one place. It’s also really encouraging when I get to mark something off, feeling productive but being intentional about it this way is also really good for my overall mental health.

My final intentional for this post is to put myself first. The underlying thread connecting all of these is truly putting myself and my wants and needs first and I hope that that comes across through everything I do and share. I want to inspire and encourage and connect with people and that is only possible if I am putting myself at the forefront so these goals, things I look forward to and want to accomplish are my way of doing so.

2022 is the year I step into myself and my power and I hope that through these intentions and goals I can.

my first makeup free selfie of 2022

I prefer this method over resolutions too because they are promises to myself and by making and sticking to promises to myself I am gaining more confidence and trust in myself. I hope this inspires you to do the same and I look forward to connecting with you more this year so we can lift each other up as we all step into ourselves this year.

2022, let’s do this!

Talk to Me!

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