Advice and Thoughts

26 Lessons I’ve Learned by 26 | My Birthday Letter

If it’s Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season, you know it’s time for my birthday. And what a month November was! How is it already almost December?!

This year I turned 26 which means it’s time to shop for health insurance and reflect back on my quarter life crisis year.

25 was a whirlwind, lots of ups, so many downs and why did I do this to myself moments and some really incredible memories and experiences! 25 will always have a special place in my heart as the year I came into my own both personally and professionally. I’m a law firm owner now, I run 3 businesses, Kayla Moran Law, Konecta Social and The Let’s Get Candid Podcast/my personal platforms Instagram and Tik Tok.

I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and surrounded by some incredible friends and closer to my family than ever. This is the year it all started to click so I wanted to share with you the 26 Lessons I’ve Learned by 26 that helped me get where I am today!

  1. It’s all about the Four C’s
    • Commit, Courage, Capability, Confidence 
  2. Confidence comes from keeping promises to yourself
    • Just go for it
    • Especially if its been keeping you up at night or you can’t stop thinking about it
    • Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, no one ever regretted it
  4. Vulnerability is your super power
    • Your mental health is too
    • So is your intuition
  5. Mental Health is Health, Wellness is EVERYTHING
  6. You can’t and won’t be everything to everyone, all the time, and that’s ok
    • Fill your cup first
  7. You are the only person fully capable of making your dreams a reality
  8. You don’t owe everyone an explanation
  9. Set boundaries and honor them
  10. Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow, every day is a new opportunity to get better
  11. Tell your loved ones how you feel about them
    • And spend as much time as possible with them
  12. Limit your screen time
    • The Focus feature on iPhone is a game changer
  13.  Comparison is the thief of joy
    • Remember social media is a highlight reel
    • The grass is greener where you water it
    • Don’t let others’ opinions or the fear of failure limit your goals
  14. Give yourself grace
    • You’ve come a really long way
    • Be proud of where you are just as much as you work for more
  15.  Know its ok to PIVOT
    • And when its time to
  16.  Get outside more, fresh air, a little sunshine and salt water do you so good
  17. Time management and prioritization is a life hack, get good at it
  18.  Try new things
    • Food, experiences, places
    • Spend money on experiences not objects
    • Meet new people and learn new things as often as you can too   
  19. Make more connections
    • Just remember quality > quantity
    • Foster them often so you can reach out when you need to
  20. Celebrate your small wins
    • They add up!!!
    • Spend less time worried about the past
    • And don’t stress too much about the future
    • Things will work out the way they’re meant to be
  22. Have a routine and stick to it as best you can, these habits really do impact your life
    • Prioritize your sleep
    • Self care is real and important
  23. A no is a not yet or a redirection
    • Something better is coming, be patient
  25. Follow your inuition
    • Learn where your intuition comes from, mine is my gut
    • Use your intuition to guide you
  26. It’s okay to feel old and young at the same time
    • You have SO much time this is only the beginning of the rest of your life!

There are so many other lessons but here are some of my most important. I hope these help you as we enter a new year in a few weeks and I wish you all the best December and end to 2023, happy holidays!

Stay tuned on all my platforms to see what I’m cooking up for 2024. It’s gonna be the best one yet!

xo Kayla

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