Advice and Thoughts

What I’m Looking Forward To In 2019

Lately all I can seem to talk about is my upcoming move and all the exciting things that come along with it. At least once a day I talk to one of my friends also going to law school, whether with me or another school and we sound like broken records saying we can’t wait for August, to move, to start school, meet new people, explore a new city, etc. but there are so many things coming up this summer that I’m also looking forward to, before August.

Nikki Beach Miami

Summer is one of my favorite times of year because it’s the perfect time to reevaluate and figure out what you want out of life. Most people do this in January but I feel like the beginning of the year brings so much pressure already that right before a new school year starts is the best time.

Maybe it’s because I’m still in school, and will be for another 3 years but I also think it’s because of Fall, my other favorite time of year. The leaves changing (anywhere but here in Miami) reinvigorates me so I want to have a game plan for myself for then and summer is the best season to come up with one.

So here are the things I’m looking forward to this summer/things I want to accomplish before I make the big move:


Anyone who knows me knows I love to travel and visit new places, or continue exploring places I know I love. I am so thankful that my parents instilled a sense of wanderlust within me at such a young age and travelling is something that I’m going to continue doing for as long as I can, with whoever I can because you learn so much about other cultures and people, and yourself along the way.

Every month for the next few months I will be traveling to somewhere new or revisiting a place I have fallen in love with, starting with May.

For my brother’s graduation trip/Memorial Day we’re going to Bimini, Bahamas and I have never been but I’ve been wanting to go for years so I’m really excited for this trip. It’ll be short and sweet but the perfect beach vacation before we travel again the following month.

In June we’re going to England, Ireland and Scotland. I’ve been to these 3 countries, on study abroad last summer, but my family hasn’t so I’m excited to show them around my favorite places (especially London) and also experience new places with them.

Also excited to go to Regent and Grafton Streets in London and Dublin, respectively, to window shop with my mom. 

There are so many things I want to do in these 3 countries and I’m excited to go back and continue exploring the rich history and immerse myself in the culture. I definitely will be going back to the British Isles for a long time.

In July a friend of mine from law school that I met at Admitted Students Weekend and I are planning a trip to New York and possibly DC. I have been to both cities, but not in several years and always with my family so I’m excited to experience a different side to these cities with a friend. I also have friends to visit in each so that’ll be so much fun to introduce a new friend to some of my best friends. And another friend of mine may join us on our trip.

It’s a common thing for law students to take a trip post Bar exam called a Bar trip, well this is going to be our LSAT trip, since we all start law school the following month.

Then in August it’s back home for a few weeks to regroup and pack before the move, and a few weeks to explore Knoxville before the law school hustle begins.

In between all these big trips, I’m excited to continue exploring Miami, as there’s always something new popping up in this city and I want to live this is summer up as much as I can.

I also want to make a trip to Orlando sometime throughout the summer to hang out with my Greek fam before I leave, and maybe make a visit to Disney while I’m there.

And if possible, I want to throw in a Sarasota trip, to visit my best friend.
The planning part of trips is also one of my favorite things so while it’s a lot of work I’m really looking forward to planning these trips out. 


I’m also really looking forward to working on myself. I have made so many positive changes in my life in the last few years and I want keep building on them. 

Blogging has become a great way for me to reflect and process my thoughts and have a creative outlet for sharing my life in a more productive way and I want to continue building my blog and brand, something I will keep doing throughout law school and beyond.

I really want to work on my health and fitness and that’s another thing I’m looking forward to. I have been getting better about eating healthier and with all the travel I know that can get put aside but I’m going to make an active effort to maintain healthy eating, but not deprive myself of delicious cuisines while I’m away.

And all the walking in Europe, NYC and DC won’t hurt. 

Overall, this summer is going to be busy but exciting and I cannot wait to go on this adventure, and I’m looking forward to documenting and sharing it all right here.

Thanks for reading!

xo Kayla

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